10 Tips for a successful audition

You spent weeks maybe even months preparing for this moment. You are about to audition and want to be successful. These are a few tips that I share with my clients regardless of what type of audition they are preparing for. Feeling fully prepared will always help you to audition with more confidence! 

1) Take care of your body because your instrument is part of that body! (eat well, get sleep, drink water) 

2) Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate !!! Your vocal folds cannot stay lubricated (and therefore sounding clear and happy) if you don’t have enough hydration traveling through your blood stream. Remember….water that you drink does not touch your vocal folds (nothing you eat or drink touches them!) 

3) Warm up your voice and sing through your songs a couple of times and then rest. You don’t want to sing or talk too much leading into your audition. 

4) Allow plenty of time for travel to the location. The last thing you want is to feel rushed and panicked as you fight for a parking spot! 

5) Give yourself time to mentally focus once you are at the audition location. This means maybe you don’t chat with everyone the whole time you are waiting for your turn. (Nervous energy is contagious and you will probably keep things better in check if you don’t have a bunch of nervous people talking about how nervous they are) 

6) If you feel your heart racing and it’s causing trembling, try and do some breathing exercises to calm yourself. You can breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. If you can, pop into the restroom and do some power poses, they always help! 

7) When you are outside the audition room, remember that even if you think the singer in there is the best singer you have ever heard… you can go in there and maybe be even more musical! Do not allow yourself to feel intimidated! 

8) Whatever happens in the room…keep singing! Mistakes happen, its okay! Keep singing and you never know what can happen! 

9) Above all else, make the panel feel energized by your musicality!! They want to love your audition and they want you to succeed! 

10) Know that no matter what the results are, being selected/cast does not determine your worth as a singer!

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